The haunting music of Lee Herrick's This Many Miles from Desire reflects the quest of the poet, an adoptee, to understand his place in the world: "one more child found in the world's history/of found children." Spiritually yearning, imagistically sharp, and lyrical, Herrick's poems are a journey of reward.
"Lived poetry of the living world, where the ocean is Buddha and grandmothers surface between what is and what might be. Lee is a poet of exceptional control and breathtaking grace, who is unafraid to go for the leaps of word and heart. This new poet will keep poetry alive. I've been waiting for this book."--Lorna Dee Cervantes
"Lee's poems bend towards light, towards a higher grace beyond words. Here is a collection of wise, heartfelt, honest poems that feel like songs, sad songs you play alone at midnight to remind your soul to live. Yes. Live. It will be one of my new travel bibles to take on the road, to comfort me when I get weary, to remind me that what we are doing is priceless and soulful and necessary as prayer. Bless you, Lee, for this beautiful music."--Ishle Yi Park, author of The Temperature of This Water
"Lee Herrick's poems celebrate the ability to make a life in the awkward space between worlds, where we find ourselves 'not quite the rose/but not quite the roots.' In settings as diverse as Korea, Latin America and Fresno, California, the poems speak of the emotional experience of being adopted, of one man's search for identity, of the problem of abandonment--but most of all, they speak of the constancy of love. There is no blame or bitterness here at all. These are songs of grace and acceptance and joy, and they invite us to open our arms and embrace the complexities of our own unstable worlds. This is a poet with enormous talent and a large and generous heart."--Corrinne Clegg Hales